Observatory on Dante Studies


Gandolfo Cascio is the promoter and coordinator of the Observatory on Dante Studies project.

He is co-lecturer of the course Dante’s Afterlives: testi e ricezione; has been visiting professor of Dante Studies at Tilburg University (School of Catholic Theology) and at Leiden University (Hovo).
Moreover, dr. Cascio serves as associate of the Società Dantesca Italiana and has chaired the ‘Dante 2021’ commission in honor of the seventh centennial of the Poet’s death.

He has published several articles on Dantean matters and authored the monographs Un’idea di letteratura nella «Commedia» (Società Editrice Dante Alighieri, 2015; shortlisted for the ‘Onderzoeksprijs’ in 2017) and Dolci detti. Dante, la letteratura e i poeti (Marsilio, 2021; N. Martoglio Award).
Currenly, he is editing the volume entitled Rivolti al monte, that will collect a selection of the papers presented during the homonymous conference.

Meeting Dante in Ravenna (2017).